Bay View Gourmet

5 Perks of Choosing Silicone Rings Over Metal Rings

Have you been searching for a trendy and inexpensive way of showing your commitment to nurturing your relationship with your man? It’s like you’re just in the mood to show him that you’re in for the long haul and you’re willing to take things to a more serious level if he’s up for it. If so, then you better get some gorgeous promise rings for him.

Promise rings, specifically those that are made of silicone, are converting more believers because of their great benefits. If you have no less than Martha Stewart allowing an article extolling the virtues of silicone rings in her blog, then you better give the following alternatives to metal rings at least a second look:

Silicone rings made by certain companies are, for one, fairly affordable since they are made from inexpensive materials. For people who are on a budget or just want to be practical, silicone rings are the obvious choice.

Aside from the low price, here are five other reasons that make silicone rings very promising in terms of the benefits they offer:

They are safe

Safety officers, blue-collar workers, athletes – all of them are united in saying that silicone rings are safe to be worn in places where they are most likely to get snagged in something.

In traditional rings, it could be an issue when the rings are caught in a mechanical part since they won’t break and could cause ring injuries. In the case of silicone rings, they may get snagged but they will eventually break and help avoid injuries to the finger. Also, silicone rings are heat-resistant and non-conductive, making them the perfect pick for those working with fire or electricity. So, yes, silicone rings are safe to wear.

They are versatile

Silicone rings come in a wide variety of colors and designs that make them perfect for those who habitually match their jewelry pieces with their outfit for the day. Maybe you feel like going red today? No problem. Perhaps, you want something more subdued tomorrow – black maybe? Shoot.

When it comes to silicone rings, you’re the boss. Get a dozen of them in different colors, designs, and finishes, it doesn’t matter.

They’re cheap

By cheap, we mean they’re really cheap. And yes, although we have already mentioned that they’re low-priced, we just can’t help but expound on this one further.

One silicone ring could cost you only 10$ to 13$, depending on the manufacturer or shop you’re getting one from. Now, compare such a price range with the prices of a traditional engagement or wedding ring and you get the clearer picture.

They’re so light and thin

When you’re wearing a silicone ring, you might as well believe that you’re not wearing anything at all. Well, why is that, you ask? Precisely because it is ridiculously light and thin.

If you’re someone who wants to feel comfortable wherever you go, silicone rings are perfect since they hardly have any hint of weight in them. You may even find yourself looking at your finger to check if you’re wearing the silicone ring.

It’s hard to lose them

Bride wearing ring

Have you ever worn a metal ring only to lose it in the pool? It happens too often.

Since silicone rings have a rubbery texture, there’s almost little to no chance of them accidentally slipping off your finger while you’re swimming, washing the dishes, or just doing anything that involves water.

With these features and benefits, it’s easy to know why promise rings, engagement rings, and wedding rings made of silicone truly have tons of promise to them.

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