Bay View Gourmet

5 Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Kind of Furniture for Your Bedroom

Did you just purchase a new house and are starting to get settled in, or are you seriously thinking of updating your bedroom? Either way, choosing the right kind of bedroom furniture isn’t as easy as it seems. This is especially true if you’re particular about the overall look and feel of your private space.

We have listed below a few things you need to consider when shopping for your bedroom items:

Things to Consider When Buying Bedroom Furniture

1. Bedroom Space and Layout

When it comes to designing the interiors of your bedroom, the basest elements you will be working with are the layout and size. These two factors will set the pace for your decorating.

Is the room spacious and wide? Is it tight and cramped? Does it have enough windows for proper lighting and ventilation?

Knowing these things will help you determine the sizes of the pieces of furniture you will be buying. From the bed (which is the centerpiece of the room) to the chest of drawers to ottomans and other things, the furniture you pick should be appropriate for the space you have.

2. Spatial Concept

The next thing you have to think about is what your concept is for the space you have. Do you plan on working on integrating an overall theme such as matching your king-size bamboo sheets with the other linen in the room?

Are you going for a certain style — minimalist, Victorian, Mediterranean, or eclectic — or do you want to color-code your room, furniture, and linen?

Once you already have a clear direction where you want to take your bedroom theme, start looking for suitable pieces that will fit your concept.

3. Quality

bedroom furniture

One of the important things you should consider is the quality of the furniture and items you will buy. As much as possible, you would want to get more bang for your buck.

That being said, it doesn’t necessarily follow that the most durable pieces should be expensive or brand new. In fact, some of the best finds aren’t expensive and new. You can find some sturdy second-hand hardwood pieces in estate sales, garage sales, and Craigslist.

You can do your research about certain materials or brands to ensure you get your money’s worth. The important thing is you never compromise the quality of your mattress. Be frugal about the headboard, nightstand, dresser, or footstool but never the mattress.

4. Room Occupant/s

You need to ask yourself who will be using the room. Is it just you? Do you have a spouse to share it with? How about your kids? Are they sharing the same room? Is it a guest room you’re working on?

All these things will come to play in choosing the right kind of bedroom furniture and equipment. If the room will be used by only one occupant — you — then you can design it any way you want to. If it is a shared bedroom, you need to consider the personalities of the occupants.

You also need to think about the use of items in a shared room Do you need two separate vanities for a children’s bedroom or can they just share one? How about the color scheme? How will you decide with two or three people to consider?

Finding out what the primary occupant/s’ personalities are will help you narrow down your choices.

5. Budget

The last, but never the least, in any consideration list is the budget. The process of designing a bedroom and choosing the right furniture to go with is going to cost you some serious money.

Since furniture will take up a huge chunk in your budget, you need to be diligent in looking for the best deals online or in showrooms to see what you can afford according to the style or concept you have in mind.

Always remember to set a budget and stick to it. Do not fall into the trap of going all-out immediately. One fun aspect of designing a bedroom is the hunt for the perfect pieces of furniture. Sometimes it takes weeks, even years to accomplish that. So be patient and do not spend more than you can afford.

Your bedroom is an extension of yourself. The furniture you place inside will reflect an aspect of your personality. Knowing your priorities will make it easier to look for suitable furniture and items to put in your bedroom.

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