Bay View Gourmet

7 Thoughtful Gift Ideas for a Grieving Friend

It’s difficult to determine the extent of pain that a friend who just lost a loved one feels. In between attending to funeral arrangements and processing their loss, they’re probably too preoccupied right now to grieve. However, even though you may not know what exactly can cheer them up, your friend will likely appreciate even the smallest gesture of care and sympathy.

Bereavement gifts are possibly the most difficult ones to give. Just thinking about the reason why you’re giving such a present is enough to make you feel blue. Nonetheless, what’s great about giving a sympathy gift is it will help you show your friend that you care beyond words. You will also find yourself being more careful in choosing the gift, making it more meaningful and special.

If you’re on the hunt for thoughtful sympathy gift ideas for your grieving friend, here are some options that you can easily get in Salt Lake City.

1. A book

Dealing with and moving on from the death of a loved one can be difficult for anyone. If your friend enjoys reading books, gifting them, one can help them fill the emptiness by reading during their idle time. You can choose a book that’s specifically about hope, but you can also give them something from a genre or author that you know they like.

2. A customized or high-quality journal or notebook

Journals or notebooks can prove to be great gifts on any occasion, but you might think that it’s irrelevant for this particular event. On the contrary, it may help your friend let out their unspoken thoughts related to their loved one’s death.

3. A pastry or dessert basket

The term “comfort food” may just get a whole new meaning when you give some to your friend to give them comfort. Baked goods, desserts or chocolates may just help cheer them up, thanks to happy hormones. Make sure that the food’s ingredients won’t give your friend allergies, though.

4. A weighted blanket

Weighted blankets have been known to help combat stress and anxiety, helping the user sleep better. As your friend might have difficulty falling and staying asleep as they remember their loss, a weighted blanket may just help them get a restful night’s sleep.

5. A spa gift card

Your friend probably needs a day to relax after all of the stressful things he or she had to go through recently. Giving them a gift card to a spa may remind them to finally pamper themselves and take their mind off their loss even for a while.

6. Succulents

succulentsFlowers are very common sympathy gifts, and your friend probably received a lot of them already. So, instead of flowers, you can get your pal some succulents that they can continue to take care of even after the funeral. These succulents may also help your friend form a new hobby that will keep them busy.

7. Preserved flowers

Speaking of flowers, if you think your friend will love to receive them still, you can step it up by getting them everlasting or preserved flowers. These are real flowers that have been chemically preserved. They won’t die out easily and may last for years when maintained properly.

It’s The Thought That Counts

Cliche as it may be, but giving sympathy gifts all boils down to how much thought you put into finding the perfect gift. Don’t worry too much about the price tag or brand. What matters is the genuine concern that you have for your grieving friend, which is bound to show regardless of the kind of gift you give.

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