Bay View Gourmet

Activities to Enjoy When You are in Quarantine

Traveling to other places for a lot of people has always been about pleasure and relaxation. While to some, it’s about adventure and adrenaline-inducing activities. Ultimately, it’s about escaping the ordinary and mundane everyday life and just experiencing the best things life has to offer. But when COVID-19 hit the world, a lot of us had no choice but to curl up in our homes and patiently wait until restrictions were lifted and it’s all safe again to travel.

With all the travelling restrictions, can we still enjoy the perks of escaping like the pre-pandemic days? Of course! There are different ways to experience fun and relaxation without having to go that far! Even in our homes, can transform into a place where we can find peace and serenity. Here are some of the things you can do to enjoy and you don’t even have to fly to reach them.

Go on a camping trip in your backyard

Are you disappointed that your annual summer activity with your family got canceled because of the pandemic? Don’t fret; there’s so much to do in the four corners of your homes. Try camping in your backyard! Why not? Just look outside your yard, and you’ll get the same feel as if you’re in the wilderness. At night, gather around a bonfire and enjoy your family’s company. You can talk about ghost stories or heat a marshmallow or two.


Even if it’s done in the confines of your home, it is more fun if you treat it as if you’re out and about. Bring your essentials, like pans, navigators, snacks, and of course your sleeping bags and your tents. Add some activities during the whole camping, like a treasure hunt. It’s all about preparation and commitment to creating fun-filled camping in your backyard.

After that, enjoy a picnic or a barbeque party. Sometimes, all it takes is a change of view. Even if you’ve been quarantined in your home, you can change things up.

Turn Your Bedroom To a Cozy Sanctuary

Maybe it’s time for a change of scenery, and that includes the interiors of your home. Why do you need to redecorate? With the whole work from home situation, it is important to set the boundaries in your spaces. There is a clear distinction between work and home in the pre-pandemic world, But now that’s blurred. So it’s time to make some changes.

Changing the way your room looks will change its feel. If you want your room to be a safe space for your clarity and peace, remove anything that might trigger you out of that headspace. Move your workspace out of your room. Then change things up. You can get yourself new sheets and curtains. Add some aroma with essential oils or an air purifier. For deep relaxing slumber, maybe it’s time to look for a better mattress and foams. There are so many out there that are technologically proven to bring about a night of better sleep.

An example of this is the biorhythm bed. It is technologically powered to allow for a more relaxing slumber. Try it, and you’ll have the best sleep as if you’ve stayed in a hotel!

Try cycling!

If you’re into low-cost physical activities and if you’ve been meaning to start getting into shape, maybe it’s time to start cycling! Because of the current situation, baking has become all the rage. Doctors and health experts even agree that cycling is a better option than being behind the wheels. It is even cheaper compared to commuting. Naturally, a lot has shown interest. Some have even taken it a step further. Now, people are traveling using their trusted bikes everywhere.

On top of practical uses as in transportation, biking is also a great way to be physically active. Take this as an opportunity to challenge yourself. It will surely do wonders on your physique and even your mental health! It is also a great way for you to your neighborhood in a different light. Then you can start cycling even further. And maybe you’ll find something that you never noticed before. This is the most opportune time to discover sites and hidden wonders in your community finally. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, those wonders were easy to overlook.

Cycling is also a great way to socialize but with regard to health protocols, of course. As we all know, good company makes the journey shorter.

Traveling has always been about escaping to somewhere unfamiliar, leaving the mundane behind. At this time, while traveling seems far off, we can still enjoy the little things that make our lives harmonious.

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