Bay View Gourmet

Is the Amount of Time We Spend in Front of Screens Damaging Our Eyesight?

Are you worried about your eyesight? A lot of people are because we spend so much time in front of screens. Screens give off a kind of light called blue light. Blue light can be dangerous for our eyes, and it’s important to know how to protect ourselves from it.

Many people struggle with their eyesight because they don’t know how to protect it. They may not know the dangers of blue light, or they may not know how to reduce the amount of time they spend in front of screens. This article will explore all of these topics so that you can better protect your eyesight.

The dangers of blue light

In recent years, there has been a lot of research on the dangers of blue light. Blue light is a type of light that comes from screens, and it can be harmful to our eyes. It can cause eye fatigue, headaches, and even vision problems. It’s important to be aware of these dangers and take steps to protect your eyes from blue light exposure.

How blue light affects our sleep:

One of the ways that blue light can be harmful is by affecting our sleep. When we are exposed to blue light at night, it can suppress melatonin, which is a hormone that helps us sleep. This can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

How blue light affects our vision:

Another way that blue light can be harmful is by affecting our vision. Blue light can cause digital eye strain, which is when our eyes feel tired after looking at screens for a long period. Additionally, blue light can contribute to macular degeneration, which is the deterioration of the center of the retina.

How to reduce the amount of time you spend in front of screens

It’s important to reduce the amount of time you spend in front of screens because they give off blue light, which can be harmful to our eyes. There are a few ways that you can reduce the amount of time you spend in front of screens, and we will explore those in this section.

Using a blue light filter:

One way to address the amount of time you spend in front of screens is to use a blue light filter. A blue light filter is a kind of software that you can install on your computer or phone that will reduce the amount of blue light that your screen emits.

Adjusting your screen’s brightness:

Another way to handle the amount of time you spend in front of screens is to adjust the brightness of your screen. If you have a computer, you can usually find the brightness settings in the control panel. For phones, you can usually find the brightness settings in the settings menu.

Setting a time limit:

A third way to reduce the amount of time you spend in front of screens is to set a time limit. This means that you will only allow yourself to be in front of a screen for a certain amount of time each day. Once you reach your time limit, you will put away your screens and do something else.

Young man exercising his eyes by looking up

Eye exercises to help improve eyesight

Eye exercises are a great way to improve your eyesight. They can help you to strengthen your eyes muscles and improve your vision. What’s more, they are easy to do and only take a few minutes each day.

Some of the best eye exercises for improving eyesight include:

The pencil exercise:

In this exercise, you will need a pencil and a piece of paper. Hold the pencil at arm’s length in front of you. Slowly move the pencil back and forth, and focus on it as you do.

The eye roll:

This exercise is simple but effective. All you need to do is roll your eyes in all directions for a few seconds each day. The point of this exercise is to loosen up the muscles around your eyes.

The importance of routine eye checkup

It’s important to get a routine eye checkup, especially if you spend a lot of time in front of screens. A routine eye checkup can help to detect any vision problems that you may have, such as needing cornea treatment, so you can address them early on.


There are several ways that you can reduce the amount of time you spend in front of screens. Using a blue light filter, adjusting your screen’s brightness, and setting a time limit are all effective methods. Additionally, eye exercises can help improve your eyesight. So, if you’re concerned about the amount of time you spend in front of screens, take action to reduce your exposure and improve your eyesight.

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