Bay View Gourmet

Clothes That Are a Nightmare to Clean and What You Can Do About It

Life changes significantly when one becomes an adult. New responsibilities enter your life: apart from managing one’s bills, cooking one’s own food, as well as sorting out one’s taxes, you are also faced with a new challenge: doing laundry for your clothes.

This is especially true if this is your first time living alone or away from the comforts of your parents’ home. As an adult, you probably find yourself getting invited to “important” events, meetings at work, as well as weddings. You may even be the center of these events.

One way or another, you’re going to participate in these “adult” events, and you’re going to spend some hard-earned cash on what you’re going to wear to such events. Then comes laundry day.

With service fees on the rise, here are some things you can do at home to preserve the most delicate pieces of clothing in your wardrobe:

Formal Wear

Formal wear on a wooden surfaceBusiness suits are made from very heavy fabrics such as high-end wool as well as cashmere, to lightweight ones such as linen and polyester. But because suits are designed, cut and sewn in a specific way, even the lightest of fabrics can become a chore to wash.

Always check the label before dipping even a centimeter of your suit in water and make sure to follow the wash instructions. In case washing is allowed, better hand-wash it; if using a laundry machine, set it in the gentlest cycle.

Bear in mind to use a gentle soap or detergent that is specifically made for the type of fabric used on your suit. The same rules also apply to cocktail as well as bridal dresses. When in doubt, however, head over to Toronto’s nearest wedding dress cleaners.

These cleaners are more likely equipped with the latest technology and space to accommodate your dry cleaning and laundry needs. This is, of course, your safest bet to avoid ruining your formal wear.

Suede Shoes

Suede is one of those materials that make it seems like it’s the end of the world when soiled. That doesn’t have to be the case, however, according to fashion experts. The media outfit suggests starting the cleaning process by making sure that the suede surface is dry.

Use an old toothbrush with very soft bristles and brush in the direction of the suede fiber with it to take off dirt, soil, mud, as well as food crust. In the event that there’s a stain, wet the surface a tiny bit with white vinegar then let it dry before brushing the fiber again.

To protect it and prolong its life, keep your suede shoes inside a dust bag or the box that it came with. Don’t despair when you spilled a drink on your formal clothes or when your suede shoes get mud all over it.

You could always clean them with household items. However, when all else fails, remember that you have a friendly dry cleaner that’s open to serve you right around the corner of town.

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