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Need some more information about divorce in the UK? Commonly asked FAQS answered

It is an unfortunate time in anyone’s life when they and their former spouse begin divorce proceedings.

And, while it can seem on paper like a straightforward process, many people are surprised at the complications that can arise under UK law with divorce, especially if there are children involved and joint property.

One of the first steps to take in the divorce process, if you wish to start the procedure, is to contact a suitable and experienced family solicitors Portsmouth, who have their area of expertise in divorce proceedings. This can, in the long term, save you a great amount of stress, heartache and money if they are employed as soon as the process begins.

Curious to learn more about what divorce specialists do and how the process is overseen in the UK? Read on!

How does the divorce process in the UK start?

As mentioned earlier, the first step in the divorce process is contacting a solicitor who specialises in that area.

Then, when you have spoken to them about the reasons why you want to divorce (assuming there are no children involved or police investigations for domestic issues), you (the petitioner) will then file a divorce petition with the court. This is where experienced divorce solicitors are invaluable as they can begin this promptly by filling in the required paperwork.

How long does it take to get divorced in the UK?

Assuming that both you and your former spouse want to divorce, the judge will usually set a date for when the ‘decree nisi’ will be completed. Once this date has passed, within 6 weeks, you will be able to apply for the decree nisi to be made an absolute, which will make the divorce final.

couple fighting

How long do I need to be married before I can divorce my partner?

In the UK, you and your partner need to have been married for a minimum of 12 months before you apply for divorce.

What information does a solicitor need for me to get divorced?

When you approach a solicitor to begin divorce proceedings, they will need to know the reasons why you are getting divorced, how long you have been married, whether you have both agreed to the divorce and whether you have any shared assets (such as property, cars etc).

They will also need to know if you have children together. The more information you are able to provide to your solicitor, the shorter the overall process will be and the easier it will be on you and any children you have.

What behaviour gives grounds for divorce in the UK?

Behavioural issues such as violence, threats, verbal abuse and alcohol or drug abuse are common grounds for divorce. However, you can also apply for divorce by unreasonable behaviour for things such as disrespectful behaviour and lack of intimacy.

However, from the autumn 2021, there will be no need for behavioural issues as a basis for divorce as in the UK, divorce will be applicable on a ‘no-fault’ basis.

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