Bay View Gourmet

Features that will help you reach the top of Google’s results page

Opening your own practice and creating its online presence, or trying to improve the online presence of the practice that you currently own, can be extremely difficult when you are working long hours throughout the day. Sitting at your computer desk for hours in the evening looking at dental websites instead of spending time with family, friends or a good book can seem like an incredibly unattractive prospect. If you are struggling to motivate yourself to manage your practice’s website, or simply feeling frustrated with not seeing any results, it may be time to consult a professional. A professional will be knowledgeable about what your site needs to succeed and can implement a variety of techniques to ensure that your future patients get the user experience that they want from your site, as well as the information about your practice.

Make sure to consider loading speeds as well as layouts

More often than not if you are a qualified dentist you may not know much about how to improve loading speeds and optimise your website to be viewed easily from different devices, or even why this is something that is vitally important when it comes to increasing the traffic to your website. If you are striving to achieve a number one Google result spot then you want to make sure that you have a fully functioning and up-to-date desktop website, but also that it has been fully adapted for viewing from a mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone. For every two people that are searching for something on Google one of them will be using a mobile device, and there is a high chance that they will leave your site if they cannot view the pages easily and clearly. In addition to this, having a mobile friendly website will increase your chances of appearing high up in Google’s results, as Google optimises the results it provides for its users, meaning that it is more likely to contain mobile friendly websites in its results when someone is searching from a mobile device.

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Carefully placed words and specific locations

The use of keywords and location keywords can make all the difference when you are trying to climb to the top of Google’s results page and increase your online presence. It is always a good idea to have a professional blog that you post to frequently, and ideally you should be focusing on one keyword per post, but including it more than once. Your keyword should be something relevant that people are likely to be searching for in relation to your practice. For example if you have a practice in Melbourne you may include keywords such as ‘dentist in Melbourne’ or ‘Invisalign in Melbourne’, so when people search for these terms your practice is amongst the top results that appear. Linking your blog to your social media accounts will increase the amount of people that read your posts too, as you can reach a higher volume of people and they are more likely to check their social media feeds for updates each day than your website.

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