Bay View Gourmet

How to Find the Best Places to Eat When Traveling

Traveling is an exciting venture. Apart from the experiences we get from each journey, we also learn a thing or two. Additionally, we get to taste different kinds of food — cuisines that we may never taste if we stay in our little corner of the world.

Finding the best place to eat can be challenging, especially since we are not familiar with the area we visit. Fortunately, with the Internet, we can now find good options for places to eat with just a few clicks of the mouse. Love to travel and want to know how to spot the best places to satisfy your gastronomic wishes? Below are some ways.

Ask for Recommendations

Wherever you are staying, whether it is an Airbnb accommodation, hotel, or hostel, people at the reception will be eager to tell you the best places where you and your group can satisfy your palates. Feel free to ask for recommendations. People at your place of accommodation are more likely to point you to the best restaurants or eateries in town. Some hotels, especially the luxury resorts, often have their own restaurants, which you can also check out.

Likewise, talk with locals and see if they can recommend certain places that offer awesome food. They may even be able to help you with other things as well, such as finding a reliable laundromat for your laundry needs.

Make a Quick Search Online

The Internet can offer invaluable help when trying to find the best places to eat during your travel escapades. Sites, such as TripAdvisor, Yelp, Zagat, and Google My Business, offer great recommendations and reviews for such purpose. You may even be able to make a reservation through some of these websites.

Read Travel Blogs

using a laptop

If quick online searches are not enough, you can also read through some travel blogs and restaurant review sites that offer a list of the best restaurants and cuisines in the area you are currently visiting. Travel blogs often offer first-hand experiences, so they are a great way to learn about the choices that you may have. Some may even give an extensive review along with pictures of the food they can eat in a particular restaurant.

Another good option is to read the local travel guide. This will not only point you to the best restaurants in town but also to nearby markets and places where you can taste the local’s street foods. Eating the specialty street foods of every place you visit is one way to immerse yourself in their culture.

Use Google Maps

Not everyone may know this, but Google Maps is an excellent way to find the best restaurants in the area being visited. Google maps can show several listings in the area and may even be able to provide the contact details of the restaurant. Some Google Maps users may have also shared actual pictures of the restaurants and the food they have tried in a certain area. These are essential things that can help you decide where to eat.

Look for Signs

Before going inside a particular restaurant, you may first want to see if people are actually eating there. If there are only a few, you might want to ask why. Restaurants with almost no one eating is a red flag. On the other hand, if you see a restaurant with a long queue of people waiting to be served, this may signal that this restaurant offers quality food that you can relish during your stay. A long queue often means that many people like this diner and are willing to line up and wait for the food.

If you see such a restaurant, you may have stumbled upon gold. This is probably the type of restaurant you would want to try cuisines on. This does not mean that you should waste time waiting for your turn to take a seat and eat your meal. But once you find such a diner, maybe you can consider and come back next time when there are not too many people waiting to be served.

Tasting the cuisines of a particular area need not require a lot of spending. As much as possible, refrain from going into expensive restaurants. Simple local diners can provide the same experience at almost half the price.

Being able to taste the known cuisines of a particular travel destination is one of the many things that travel-buffs look forward to in each of their travels. Food has a way of making a remarkable memory in people’s minds. It is one of the many things that make people come back to a particular destination.

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