Bay View Gourmet

How to Plan a Wedding in Six Months or Less

Wedding planning takes a couple of months or even years to complete. Several things need to be planned, including the venue, the caterer, the wedding invitations, the guest list, and the decorations.

However, some couples do not have the luxury and enough time to plan for a wedding. If you have only six months or less to prepare for a wedding on a budget, you should continue reading. Today, we will discuss some things that you should remember if you do not have enough time to plan for your wedding.

Be a lot more flexible

With such short notice, your favourite suppliers might not be available for your chosen wedding date. Remember to be flexible; consider hiring different suppliers for your wedding. You can ask the supplier you have for referrals, as they most likely know a couple of other suppliers and caterers.

Additionally, you can also ask your friends and family for the suppliers who they have used in the past. Ask them about their personal experiences with these people and if they were satisfied with the outcome. You can narrow down the choices after hearing their opinions.

Ask for help

You will need all hands to be on deck when planning your short-notice wedding. Ask your closest friends and family members for help or favours about the ceremony and the reception. You can assign specific roles or tasks to each person or team willing to help so that everything will be organized.

If your friends or family members are too busy, you can opt to hire an event planner or wedding organizer instead. Doing this might take some part of your budget, but the planning will be more comfortable. Let them know that you do not have enough time to plan for the wedding. This is so that they can fix their calendars to accommodate it.

Don’t confuse yourself with too many choices

It might get tempting to try and consider every option available. However, doing this will take up a lot of time, which is why you should consider sticking to your first choices.

Avoid looking up too many inspirations on the Internet or in magazines. Stick with the theme that you have in mind and start planning your wedding from there. You should also book your suppliers as soon as possible, as someone else may book them for the days to come.

Follow your schedule

checklist concept

It would be best if you had a plan drafted, and you should stick to that agenda. Sit down with your team. Create a checklist and a timeline of everything you have to accomplish with the wedding planning.

Avoid trying to do too many things at once, as this might confuse you further. Always check your schedule and timeline to see if everything is going the way it was planned from the start.

Planning a wedding is stressful enough, so get all the help that you need so that you can stay relaxed and fresh during your wedding. Make sure that you are done before the wedding so you can take some time to rest and prepare for the marriage with your partner.

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