Bay View Gourmet

Immediate First Aid Treatments for Sports Injuries

Sports injuries happen even to the best athletes. We all know that NBA player Kevin Durant suffered from a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) this past season. There are many more athletes who suffer from injuries related to the sports they love. The list is endless. While these athletes have topnotch medical teams attending to them the moment they suffer an injury, ordinary like us have to treat ourselves first and wait for the paramedics to arrive. Before seeing orthopedic doctors in Provo or another city, it is important to apply first aid treatment because it could reduce swelling, for example, and lessen the impact of a sprain or strain to the surrounding tissue, muscles, and ligaments.

First Aid for Sprains, Strains, and Joint Injuries

Using the RICE method, first aid responders such as coaches, assistant coaches, and co-players can prevent further damage to the injured area. But before applying the RICE method, remember that protection must first be done. When an injury has been suffered, stop the sporting activity immediately to prevent further damage to the tissue, ligaments, and muscles. Next, apply the RICE method—rest (allows the tissue to heal), ice (apply an ice pack on the injury to reduce swelling and pain) for 20 minutes every two hours, compression (wrap the injured part with an elastic bandage to help keep swelling to a minimum), and elevation (elevate the injured part to stop the blood flow and swelling of the area).

First Aid for Cuts and Abrasions

first aid kit box and materials

If the sports injury led to a cut or abrasion, the immediate reaction should be to stop the flow of blood. First, wash the wound with soap and water, apply a compression bandage to stop the bleeding, and wait until proper medical help arrives. If the cut is deep, it will probably require a few stitches. But if the medics can pull the edges together, they can use a butterfly bandage to close the wound.

First Aid for Chronic Injuries

There are two types of sports injuries. Acute injuries occur suddenly when the applied force is greater than the body can withstand, while chronic injuries are caused by the overuse of joints or muscle groups. To treat chronic injuries, athletes must rest and reduce the intensity, frequency, and duration of the activities. In fact, when there’s a chronic injury, the athletes should altogether stop any exercise or activity. You can also ice the overuse injury to reduce the pain and inflammation in the area.

First Aid for Nosebleeds and Dislodged Teeth

During a nosebleed, stop the activity immediately and sit with your head leaning forward. Breathe through your mouth and pinch your nostrils so that you don’t accidentally use your nose to breathe air. Hold your nose like that for at least 10 minutes. But if the bleeding continues for 30 minutes, call the doctor immediately because there might be an injury that you couldn’t detect.

For dislodged teeth, seek dental services immediately. Save the dislodged tooth in a clean and safe place and rinse your mouth with water or milk.

During emergencies, call the doctor or paramedics immediately. Any type of sports injury must be medically attended to in case there are deeper causes. Early detection is the best treatment for most of these cases.

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