Bay View Gourmet

Marriage Proposal: 5 Romantic Resorts in the World

Your relationship has passed all the tests of life. It’s the moment you both were waiting for. You’re ready to seal the bond for eternity, but you must make it memorable. Planning a proposal can take as much time as you allow yourself. Whether you choose a simple ring or buy a diamond wedding band, the way you pop the question speaks volumes about your affection and commitment.

YouTube is filled with all kinds of proposals. There are old tricks where the girls find the ring while sipping the wine, or it gets in her mouth while eating the desert. These tricks are the oldest in the books, and they hardly surprise anyone now. It’s time to get original and bring in a personal element in your proposal. It’s the day you’re going to remember forever.

Moreover, everyone asks how you proposed, so you must put in some effort. Sometimes men get overly creative. You must’ve heard about a person who proposed to his girl while skydiving. You can do it anywhere you want but doing it in a romantic place sets up a mood.

Here are some romantic resorts where you can plan your proposal:

1. Wine Region, Baja, California

The Campera Hotel, Burbuja has huge transparent bubble-like rooms where you and your partner can spend nights under the stars. Each bubble has a full-size bed and bathroom. It is designed to sustain the aggressive climate so rain may come and you’ll only enjoy it. The bubbles are durable and made from sophisticated materials from France.

At night, when the sky unveils millions of stars, you get the perfect moment to bring up the question. The shiny bubble amongst the vines makes up for the ideal spot where you’ll feel outdoors while being cozily tucked in. Nothing makes up for a better spot than this.

proposal at a resort restaurant

2. Sandals South Coast, White House, Jamaica

This place is the epitome of romance. Surrounded by the green Caribbean, the bungalows have pools for doormats. The glossy waters reflect the light in the morning and stars at night. It’s the most beautiful sight. There are 12 bungalows in total, and each has its own butler service to bring you food, drinks, and other necessities.

The resort allows for beautiful dinner spots where you can pop up the big question along with a bottle of champagne. The bungalows feature hammocks and a couple of friendly decors to set for a romantic evening by the ocean if you’d like.

3. Skylodge Adventure Suites, Sacred Valley

People choose parachutes to propose on air, but those days are long gone, and the method is cheesy. So here’s an adventurous alternative. Skylodge Adventure Suites offer glass-walled rooms on the cliff’s edge at 1300 ft (0.4 km). This is perfect for couples who like to go on adventures together.

You have to climb the cliff to reach your room. The view is absolutely breathtaking as you see sunrise first hand. The stars cover the sky at night, and tunes of nature lull you to sleep. The whole experience will cost you $400. You can zipline down the mountain when it’s time to go home.

4. Le Metropolitan Hotel, Paris

One can’t complete the list of romantic places to visit without mentioning Paris, the city of love. The trend to propose under the Effiel Tower is the only one that’ll never get old. The cobblestone road is perfect for morning strolls as you feast your eyes on the cultural masterpieces.

The night will glisten with the lights of the Effiel Tower that glows in golden light. Le Metropolitan Hotel captures the best view of the tower in the morning and at night. You don’t have to plan an outing as everything is available at the hotel. You can watch the sparkling Effiel Tower while having dinner as they put on a light show after sunset. Your proposal will be out of a fairy tale, and photos will break Instagram.

5. Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort, Finland

If you don’t mind the cold, then Finland has a fantastic white sheet of snow spread for you across the land. This is the most exotic location on the list. The resort contains glass igloos that host the dance of northern lights at night. Saunas and showers are also available for you to rinse off the city stress, so you can fully snuggle amidst the snow with your loved one.

What’s better than sealing your bond under the glistening northern lights? Make sure to check for the northern lights season before booking. They are most visible from late September to early April, so make sure to plan your proposal around those months. The place makes up for a romantic getaway where you’ll make memories of a lifetime.

These were top spots around the world to take your loved one for a proposal. All these resorts have an excellent staff that’ll help you plan and execute the surprise so your partner can’t figure it out. You can search for romantic arrangements to make the moment special. At the end of the day, it’s the thought that counts. If the place is perfect, the proposal will indeed be perfect as well.

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