Bay View Gourmet

Moving: A Way to Look at How Far You’ve Come

It’s easy to list negative words to describe the moving process. It’s stressful, expensive, complicated, and generally just a pain all over. You have endless days of sorting, and you might even unearth items you’ve long forgotten. Everyone says you need to sort out the things you don’t want to bring with you, but the actual process is more emotionally taxing than they can ever prepare you for.

Your mindset regarding the move can either make it seem more difficult or more manageable. Instead of thinking of all the negative feelings associated with the move, look at how far you’ve come.

No Longer a Child

Even just packing for college already marks the end of your childhood days, welcoming new experiences and people into your life. You’re forgiven for wanting to take your comfort blanket with you, but those stuffed animals may have to go to leave room for your books. College dorms typically have small spaces for your stuff, but thankfully, you still have your room at home to go back to. Take everything you’ll need immediately and keep your childhood packed in boxes for you to access later. You’re allowed to hold on to them until you graduate but they don’t have to take up precious space in your dorm room.

woman working on the table

Working Forward

When you enter the workforce, it’s finally time to face adulthood head-on. You’re earning your own money and this means managing your finances and savings. This also means caring for yourself, from the food you eat to the bed you sleep on. Soon, you’ll find a mattress store and a grocery shop to frequent in American Fork. For some individuals, the choice is the same as what their parents made, but for others, it might be the complete opposite. This is part of your growth and this is also part of you figuring out your new identity. When you move into your new apartment, you’ll have to think about the logistics and the transportation options daily. Unlike moving for college, which gives you a set number of dorms or a set location around campus to live in, when you hunt for your apartment, anything and anywhere within your budget is a potential option. It shows you the extent of your independence and allows you to spread your wings.

The Family Situation

Perhaps the biggest change that will happen in your life is when you settle down with your partner. You’re doing this with the possibility of having children in the future. At this point, you’ve come so far that you’re thinking beyond your personal needs. You have a partner to consider when you look at house and lot options, and you’re also thinking of how conducive to family life the property will be. When you pack up, you shed most of your surviving childhood relics in favor of more family-appropriate items. Those that you keep, you’re doing so with hopes of sharing them with your child. You also look at your surroundings — the schools, hospitals, and playgrounds nearby. The things you didn’t see before are now the most important items on your checklist when you move.

Despite the stress, moving is also associated with so much excitement. You’re starting a new chapter in your life and putting to bed certain parts of your past.

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