Bay View Gourmet

Play Safe: How to Maintain Playground Equipment

The playground is a safe and happy haven for kids, which means that you should definitely make it a point to properly maintain your playground equipment to keep them safe and happy at all costs. You would never want to be blamed for an accident, which is why it is a must to check up on your equipment every once in a while to make sure that everything is fine with it.

Below, we will discuss how to properly maintain your playground design and landscape architecture to make sure that the kids playing in it will always be in safe hands.

Conduct Inspections

Most playground owners tend to forget to check on their equipment every once in a while, and forgetting such can be very dangerous. You don’t have to do it yourself, though, you can always ask a professional come in and check it for you instead.

Check every equipment in the playground for signs of excessive wear, deterioration, and potential hazards on the playground such as sharp objects coming out of the equipment. These inspections should be done at least twice a year to make sure that everything is in amazing shape.

The Ropes Should Have Proper Tension

Getting proper tension on the ropes will enable them to last way longer. This begins with your choice of rope, as this can eventually determine the tensioning. If you are not sure which rope to get for the playground equipment, then ask a professional and have them test it out so you can be sure of its safety.

Always Check the Parts

Most playground equipment makes use of metal parts, which can be susceptible to rust and eventual wear. You should always check the equipment for rusts, as this can make the equipment break down easily.

Always check the moving parts and see if they are properly screwed and aligned. Leaving it like this and letting the problem worsen can cost you a lot of money in the future, plus, it can be dangerous for kids to run around in a playground that has loose parts and rusty materials.

Clean the Bearings

The equipment’s bearings can collect dirt and grime, which is why you need to inspect and clean it if need be. The dirt and grime can bog the spinners down, so you should always assign someone to clean the bearings regularly. You can clean it by simply spraying it out with a high-pressure hose then wiping off the grime right after.

The Maintenance Can Differ

Little child jumping at trampoline in indoors playground

While most of these tips will apply to most playgrounds everywhere, there are still specific ways to take good care of your own playground. If you want to keep it properly maintained, then reach out to your supplier and ask them to maintain the playground every once in a while. You might have to pay for it, but if you’ve got it insured and covered, then chances are it’s included in the package.

It’s always a must to keep the playground and equipment safe for the sake of the children and the ones using it. Apply these tips and never be worried about a kid slipping in your property!

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