Bay View Gourmet

Preparing Your Home for Summer Parties

No one can deny that autumn is a beautiful season. Wherever you look, you are greeted with images of nature that have been the subject of poems, then and now. The leaves are in various shades of fiery red as if they are trying to make up for the lack of warmth from the sun when the evening comes. The earth grows trees of peaches, apricots, and plums for the taking. The horizon becomes a perfect canvas for the sunset streaking the autumn skies.

Like any place in the world that’s lucky to have an autumn season, Perth locals take advantage of the weather to spend their time outdoors. There is an activity that will pull you out of your home no matter what your interest is— be it art, sports, or culture. And everyone can agree that the magic of Perth during autumn lies in the vision of blue whales swimming freely in the ocean.

However, when the autumn season is over, it’s time to keep the wool sweater at the back of the closet and start the garden clean up in Perth. You can enjoy the chilly winter months before experiencing the charm of spring. But nothing is more Australian than the summer season. It brings warmer days ahead. You can expect the beach to be more packed than usual. After all, summer is the season for pop-up bars.

Nevertheless, it’s also an excellent chance to celebrate summer at home. It’s an opportune time to host dinner parties with your loved ones, therefore preparing your home for such activities is a must. Here are some tips to keep your home ready for summer dinner parties.

  1. Check if your appliances are working.

Making sure that your appliances are working is not merely for the sake of dinner parties. It’s for you, too. You have to be certain that everyone at home will survive the heat by having fully-functional air conditioners and fans.

To maximise the efficiency of your appliances, call your air conditioner’s service centre for professional cleaning. If the unit is fairly new, you can clean the filter yourself. You might also want to see if your griller and oven are still usable. If you’re lucky to be living with a pool in your backyard, check the jets, and safety fences, especially if there are kids in the house. And don’t forget to have the pool cleaned.

clothing on a hanger

  1. Use lighter shades in your home decor.

Seasonal trends are not limited to fashion. Make your home ready for the summer by adding indoor plants and changing the cover of your throw pillows into lighter shades. For the bedrooms, you can change the thick blankets into cotton beddings. Not only will these changes create a summery vibe in your home, but they can also actually make the space cooler and breathable.

  1. Make sure your backyard is ready to accept guests.

Chances are, you’ll be spending most of your time in the backyard—from drinking your iced latte in the morning to sharing a bottle of wine with friends in the evening. With this in mind, make sure the area is presentable. You can DIY or call in a professional to trim your garden. This can make the area look brand new while keeping your plants ready for the warmer months. Also, clean the edges of your gazebo and outdoor furniture. See what else needs fixing, and do so.

Watch summer unfold with less baggage— within yourself and your home. Enjoy the warmth around you.

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