Bay View Gourmet

The Road to Self-improvement After COVID-19

COVID-19 has changed innumerable aspects of our lives. It has transformed how we work, meet people, and do things for leisure. With how things have been unfolding this year, it is safe to say that many of these changes will remain for the foreseeable future.

Many of us see the easing of restrictions as an opportunity to regain a semblance of normalcy from pre-COVID-19 times. Some, however, may have seen this pandemic as an opportunity to change or improve a thing or two about their current lifestyle.

Wherever you may be on the spectrum, there is always a good reason to pursue self-improvement. This crisis has given some room to rethink previous habits and find better ways to live life to the fullest.

Ways to Improve Your Life After COVID-19

Saying you are on the road to self-improvement is one thing, but setting realistic goals for yourself is important to actually see results. Here are some ways anyone can pursue better living post-COVID-19

1. Attend to your long-standing health concerns.

The most apparent need the virus has shown every person of every age is that health is an important factor in living a good life. The months at home have helped you realize the various aspects of your physical and mental health you need to pay greater attention to. Now, it is time to act upon them.

For instance, vision impairment is one of the top 10 disabilities experienced by adults aged 18 and above. The worsening of these vision problems is preventable, too, if only people acted upon them earlier. You do not need to keep struggling with your eyesight.

Have a Visian ICL procedure done to address your nearsightedness and astigmatism problems. Just think: you won’t have to keep worrying about fogged-up glasses while wearing a face mask if you do.

Of course, vision is just among the many health concerns you may have to deal with. Visit your doctor to finally get yourself checked!

2. Mend relationships with people.

Health realizations are certainly not the only things that crossed your mind during this pandemic. With the frequent reminders of how short and fragile life really can be, what about your strained relationships with friends or even family?


Maybe you have hesitated to send that message for the longest time. Now could be the best time to act upon that burden. If not now, when, right?

Asking for forgiveness is one of the hardest and yet most rewarding things you can do for yourself. It also sets you and the other party free from a lot more baggage.

There are times when the hardest relationship to mend is the one with yourself. Do not forget to also forgive yourself for your shortcomings. Note to self: changed behavior is the best apology.

3. Quit your bad habits with support from loved ones.

Do you have bad habits that got worse or maybe even began during the pandemic? Coping with a crisis is difficult and responding healthily is not the simplest task.

Different habits require different action plans to ease out of, but one thing is for sure. The struggles are much easier to manage when you have the support of people who love you. The people you enlist to help you can encourage you when you feel demotivated, and they can also reprimand you when you need a bit of advice.

Having a friend helping you out also makes the celebration of your successes much more fulfilling. Isn’t it much more exciting to report progress to someone who can celebrate the victory with you?

4. Express your gratitude more.

The pandemic may have greatly limited the number of things you can do in one day. However, it may have also helped you realize what luxuries you might have taken for granted back then. From now on, seek to be more open about your gratitude.

Why Gratitude is good for your health. An attitude of gratitude changes your disposition towards life, which improves your mood and helps you get better sleep at night. With a better routine, your risk for serious illnesses also lessens significantly.

Aside from making a habit of saying “thank you” to others, it could help you to keep a small journal of things you are grateful for. You can make a daily record of short notes about what made you feel thankful for the day. You can even get more creative with a gratitude jar of little post-it notes that you can look back at.

Self-improvement is not a linear undertaking, but it is one that surely changes you for the better. Remember that as you take those steps today.

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