Bay View Gourmet

Don’t Underestimate The Secret Powers Of Comfort Food

Health is wealth. Because of this age-old adage alone, so many of us invest in activities and services that help maintain a healthy lifestyle, such as our favorite gym membership card, access to urgent care, and meeting with the family physician for regular checkups. And chief among these health-related factors is food, the one thing that keeps us energized, full, and ready to face the day ahead of us, filling our bodies with all of that much-needed nutrients.

However, if there’s one category of food that often goes misunderstood, it is the concept of comfort food, meals that you enjoy for the purpose of smiling after every bite or getting through some rough times. And, say what you will about the downsides, we firmly believe that there’s a lot more to comfort food than just the taste factor that far too few people give it credit for.

Sometimes, A Happy Tummy Is All It Takes

You see, while we all have our preferred methods of coping with problems and managing our troubles, one universal solution that everybody across the globe shares is the love for food and the use of comfort food to wish away the worries of life. And while taking a break or pursuing a change of pace from your daily responsibilities can work wonders, nothing compares to the tender love and care a bite from your favorite snack, meal, or plate of dessert could ever provide.

Of Course, It Doesn’t Hurt To Make Things A Bit Healthier

eating salad

Likewise, we can’t overlook that not too many comfort food options exactly align with the goals of living a healthy lifestyle. When you go over some of the common choices like ice cream, all sorts of cakes, and various desserts, it points out a clear love for superb amounts of sugar and fat. So, before you double down on making that mac and cheese, we recommend exploring some healthier mix-ups for your meals.

Food Isn’t About Surviving; It’s About Living To The Fullest!

Overall, we think that treating comfort food like a bad thing is one of the worst ways to look at food because enjoying a meal shouldn’t be about surviving but living to the fullest. So instead of picking at your calorie counter 24/7, it wouldn’t hurt to have some fun with your dishes now and then.

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