Bay View Gourmet

Should You Make the Switch and Start Embracing a Sustainable Lifestyle?

Each of us makes a big impact on the environment. But the sad reality is that we are the earth’s killers. What can one do to start saving our planet? In our own little ways, we can begin to help save Mother Earth. You can make a difference by embracing a sustainable lifestyle. A sustainable lifestyle focuses on using less of natural resources to reduce carbon footprints. There are more ways you can start practicing sustainable living:

Solar energy

More and more homeowners are turning their homes into eco-friendly ones. Getting energy from sustainable energy supply can help lower energy costs, saving you money in the long run. You can do this with the help of solar energy. Many suppliers of solar panels also offer residential solar power installation in Utah. It may cost you a few hundred bucks, but you get a high ROI.

Sustainable materials

The materials used in housing are often non-renewable resources. Are you planning to renovate or build a house soon? Then it’s best to choose materials such as wood, composite wood, straw bale, recycled concrete, and bamboo. All these are produced in an eco-friendly way.

Natural light and eco-friendly bulbs

Sunlight offers many health benefits, and the best thing about it is that it’s free. So why not take advantage of it so that you’ll need to use only minimal artificial light in your home? Also, switch to LEDs and CFLs. These are cost-effective and long-lasting, and they use less energy.

Natural cleaners

How much do you spend each month to buy detergent, bleach, and other cleaners? You may not be able to answer this question, but think about the amount of waste that goes with purchasing cleaners. Using natural cleaners allows you to effectively clean while reducing the amount of plastic and chemical residues that you need to throw.

Local and organic food

Fruits and vegetables in basketsMost sustainable food choices are healthier than those bought in supermarkets. Patronizing locally grown food won’t only help local farmers earn. You can also get to eat and prepare tasty meals minus the pesticides and other chemicals. If you have the time and space in your yard, you can start growing your own food.

The 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

You can get rid of your trash without having to leave an enormous amount of waste. Reduce garbage by reusing items that you can still use, and donate or sell those that you no longer wish to keep. Composting is a good idea if you own a compost bin. If not, take your food waste to the community compost bin.

Sustainable transport

Using your own car may have its perks. But it costs you money for gas and toll, and you’re contributing to air pollution due to your car’s emission. Why not consider walking or riding a bike when running some errands? You get to exercise while getting your chores done. If you need to travel, using public transport is an excellent way to go.

It is our responsibility to preserve the planet we live on. Although adopting a sustainable lifestyle may not be as easy as it sounds, it is worth it. Take small steps at a time, and you’ll soon find it easier to live sustainably.

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