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The Most Common Causes of Rashes


Nursing a rash is no joke. The irritation keeps you from doing your daily tasks, and it can even lead to days off work. For children, it’s worse. Tending to their skin rash requires more delicate care and attention. They can miss school for days, and it can leave lasting marks on them.

When dealing with rashes, you can reach out to doctors for skin rash treatment in Salt Lake City. At any stage of the rash, their clinic will be able to respond with expert care. However, remember that prevention is better than cure. If you can pinpoint the particular cause, then you can stop it before it even breaks out.


Contact dermatitis refers to skin rashes caused by an allergic reaction. People have lots of things they’re allergic to, which makes contact dermatitis the most common kind of skin rash.

Foods you’re allergic to, such as seafood, nuts, specific flavorings, or airborne substances like dirt, smoke, pollens, or sawdust, can trigger skin rash. Pets and certain species of plants can trigger your allergy. To know what you’re allergic to, set an appointment with your doctor and take the proper antihistamine medication.

Clothing material

Doctors and dermatologists also have what they call textile allergy. It’s still a sort of contact dermatitis, the kind caused by the material or fabric you often wear. Clothes that come in contact with your skin – shirts, scarves, pants, socks, and even underwear – can cause textile allergy.

Often, rashes are caused by synthetic fabric such as nylon, spandex, polyester, rayon, or rubber. They tend to trap sweat, leading to a worse reaction as the fabric frequently rubs your skin. Other materials such as Sherpa, wool, fleece, or other thick fibers can cause the same.


Other possible allergens are the medicine and supplements that you take regularly. Drug injections can also cause drug rashes. Take note that it’s not just newly introduced drugs that activate an allergic reaction. Sometimes, it takes a few dosages of a familiar drug before your immune system becomes sensitive to the medication.

Non-allergic reaction to certain drugs is also possible. Corticosteroids, anticonvulsants, barbiturates, and more can cause acne breakouts, which can also lead to rashes.

Bug bites

Your skin can be irritated when any of these bite you: bees, wasps, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, or spiders, among many more. A bug might not be venomous, but a bite can trigger allergic reactions, which then lead to skin rashes.

Weather changes

Changes in the season, as well as sudden weather shifts, can also cause what’s called winter rashes. Naturally, our bodies produce oil to keep our skin minimally moisturized. When temperatures drop, the skin might become dehydrated, causing flaking and irritation.

There’s also a skin problem called prickly heat. When excessive sweat is trapped during the hot summer months, especially under tight clothes, they build little bumps underneath your skin.

Skin products

Certain skincare products like facial cleansers, lotions, talc powders, toners can cause skin irritation. Cosmetic products are a common culprit. Look at your primers, powders, creams, concealers, foundation, setting spray, and even makeup remover. Excessive use or frequent change of products might be causing an allergic reaction. Your daily toiletries can be a probable cause. Shampoos, deodorants, and certain fragrances can also set off an allergic reaction.

At the first sign of irritation, stop scratching. Call a trusted dermatologist right away before the rash spreads.

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