Bay View Gourmet

Important Things to Prepare Before Going on a Vacation

With more than 100 million people fully vaccinated, the United States is on the right track to achieving herd. Due to this, many people are already making plans for a summer vacation to another country. If you’re one of the many Americans planning to visit another country, you should make sure to check the guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for international travel.

Aside from these guidelines, you should also go through the following list of things to prepare before you go on your summer vacation.

Get a Passport

This is a no-brainer since you cannot enter another country without a passport. To ensure you get the passport in time you should start the process long before your scheduled trip. Passport processing typically takes 10 to 12 weeks. For an expedited process, you can get your passport in four to six weeks.

Processing the passport early also gives you enough time to proves a visa if your destination requires one. The process is typically straightforward and you can do a lot of the work while staying at home. Once you receive your passport, you should also make copies of the front page. Bring one copy when you travel and leave another copy with a close friend or family. A copy of the front page is useful in case someone steals your passport.

Get a Visa, If Necessary

Holders of a U.S. passport can enter visa-free to 187 countries. With this, the US passport is the seventh most powerful in the world. You can enter Israel, Austria, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, and Canada without a visa. On the other hand, your US passport allows you to enter Australia and New Zealand using an electronic travel authority (ETA).

But if you’re planning to visit Cuba, China, or India, you need to get a visa beforehand. Due to this, you should make sure to get your passport early so you have time to apply for a visa if you’re planning to visit these countries when summer comes.

Get a Checkup

The CDC recommends that people should postpone international travel plans until they get fully vaccinated. While they are not required to get tested before they travel, they may have to do so if their destination requires it.

doctor talking to patient

It is also good for you to visit your doctor before you travel. You should have yourself checked to ensure you are fit and healthy enough to travel to another country. Your doctor may provide recommendations on the shots you need for diseases that may be prevalent in your destination.

The checkup is mainly to ensure you will not encounter any issues when you are in a foreign country. It is particularly true if you have a medical condition. It may not be easy to find a specialist to help you in case the condition worsens while you are in the middle of a safari.

Have Yourself Insured

Getting travel insurance is also a good idea to ensure you are covered while traveling to another country. You can also get health insurance and baggage protection. If you’re joining a travel group, they normally have insurance options for travelers.

If you’re a dentist or doctor, you can look for disability insurance specialists for dentists or doctors since they can provide policies designed for these professionals. Just make sure to get your insurance from a reliable insurance company.

Set a Budget

You should also set a budget for your potential expenses while on your vacation. Aside from the ticket and hotel, you should also set aside a budget for food and transportation expenses while at your destination. It is also important to set aside funds for other expenses.

Setting the budget requires you to research the cost of living in the country you’re visiting. But keep in mind that the prices of food in tourist spots may be higher compared to the rest of the country. While it may be cheaper to use your credit card for purchases, some places may have a cash-only policy. Additionally, setting aside a budget for other miscellaneous expenses is advisable.

Research About the Destination

Another thing you should not forget is to research your destination. You should not limit yourself to the good feedback from a friend who just returned from a trip to Bali, Indonesia. You need to learn more about the place and the idiosyncrasies of the Indonesian culture.

You should learn more about the different tourist spots in the area. Moreover, learning more about the locals will allow you to know how to interact with them.

If you’re planning to travel abroad for the summer, you should make sure to make the necessary preparations so you’ll have fun while on your vacation.

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