Bay View Gourmet

Post-Pandemic Engagement: Where to Go in the U.S. to Propose to Your Partner

The past year has been a sort of pause: for the majority of 2020, everyone remained indoors. Weddings that have been planned and scheduled were canceled as gatherings of more than a small number of people were banned across many states to slow the spread of COVID-19.

However, now that vaccinations are underway, there is renewed hope that, soon, life will go back to normal. All those major life events and changes that have been mapped out can resume in just a couple of months.

For couples who have survived the pandemic despite its challenges, it is time to take the next big leap. With the present global crisis soon coming to a close, you can finally start planning your grand wedding proposal. There is nothing wrong with going over the top. After all, it is a big moment that you will remember for the rest of your life.

As soon as it is safe for you to travel again, head to the best jeweler or jewelry shop in the country and make your first outing in the post-pandemic world an engagement trip. Your partner will be touched when you unexpectedly propose at the ideal location.

But, with the majority of the world still grappling with COVID-19, it might be best to keep the travel local for the meantime. That way, you would not have to worry about potentially mingling with populations that have not been vaccinated.

With that said, here are the best and most popular places in the United States to propose.

Central Park

It is not difficult to see why Central Park in New York City is the top destination for couples who are getting engaged. The beautiful patch of nature in the middle of a concrete jungle is an icon. It has appeared in countless movies, including the romantic comedies Serendipity and When Harry Met Sally.

So, Central Park is the perfect place to propose.

The Bow Bridge is one of the most recognizable spots in the area. It is a picture-perfect place made magical by the spring fog, but it looks absolutely dreamy all year round. All the photos and videos you take of the event will look epic from every angle.

The Belvedere Castle, on the other hand, will whisk you away to fairy tale land. It gives a different vibe compared to the rest of the city and the park because it looks like it is from another time. Your partner will feel like royalty if you propose in this romantic spot.

newly married couple

Las Vegas

Las Vegas is a destination popular among those who can afford to lose a bit of money but, in Sin City, there is something for everyone. It is also a popular spot for wedding proposals. There are so many great spots in Las Vegas that can serve as a backdrop to your engagement.

You can, for example, feel like you are in Europe by taking a Gondola Ride at the Venetian Grand Canal. Better yet, book a table at one of the expensive restaurants in the city and pop the question before dessert.

If your partner likes nature and adventure, the Grand Canyon is only a few minutes away. You can take a helicopter ride above the natural wonder, and pop the question.

Disney World

After a year of closure due to the pandemic, Disney World in Orlando is back in business.

The theme park is a popular destination for couples who are getting engaged because, as the slogan claims, it is the most magical place on Earth. Kids at heart will feel thrilled to be engaged alongside their favorite Disney princesses or Marvel superheroes.

Proposals at the theme park are so popular that Disney World has its own package for people who want to surprise their partners. They provide an engagement planner to work with you to arrange the perfect night for you to pop the question.

However, you do not have to ask the theme park beforehand. You can select the spot where you want one of the most important events of your life to happen. Many couples, for example, get engaged in front of the castles. Others wait until the fireworks show to get down on one knee.

But, if you go DIY, you will have to be comfortable with an audience. They will take photos and videos of your special moment, but they will also cheer for you when you finally get that coveted “Yes.”

Proposals are always special regardless of whether you do it at home or in Paris. At the end of the day, the one thing that matters the most is the sincerity of your feelings.

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