Bay View Gourmet

What You Need for Your Overseas Vacation After COVID-19

It has been a long road through the pandemic. With the rollout of vaccinations, new possibilities have opened up for everyone, especially those whose travel dreams were put on hold. Time to review your bucket list and check on your travel fund again!

As you’re planning your itinerary for your next trip abroad, it is also essential to have some things prepared. COVID-19 has changed how we travel, so before making any bookings for tours and attractions, we’ve prepared a short checklist of what you need.

1. A Healthy Mind and Body

The pandemic has proven that health is a treasure that enables us to do so many things, travel included. Even before going away for vacation, prioritize your well-being every day. Your body will thank you for it.

Take care of your mental and physical health

When you visit a new country, you encounter a wide variety of experiences. Your health makes you ready for anything that comes your way. Make proactive wellness a habit by getting a healthy dose of vitamins and supplements daily from your trusted proactive wellness franchise, aside from a good diet and regular exercise.

Your health also includes your mental state. Always give yourself room to recuperate after working. Don’t deprive yourself, too, of the little joys in life, such as good food and your favorite shows.

Lastly, make a habit of having gratitude. It does wonders for you mentally and emotionally.

Get vaccinated

This is a must before taking your next long vacation abroad. Aside from the possibility that many countries may require proof of vaccination before allowing tourist entry, getting vaccinated also protects you from getting sick. Getting sick will keep you from maximizing your trip.

While the COVID-19 vaccine is the most urgent at the moment, adults also benefit from getting vaccinated against other illnesses. Always consult your doctor first to know which vaccines you need.

person getting vaccinated

2. Valid Passport, IDs, and Visas

The length of time simply being at home may have made your passports and visas go past their expiration dates. Spare yourself the hassle of going to the airport with an expired or expiring passport. Check your IDs before making any flight and hotel bookings, then renew as necessary.

Many countries require at least six months’ validity or higher to allow entry. It saves you a lot of money to get these requirements in order first!

3. Travel Insurance

The main reason you are going on vacation is to enjoy yourself, the beauty of another country, and the company of the friends you’re with. One thing that gets in the way of all these is a medical emergency that drains your pocket money. Travel insurances protect you from these kinds of situations.

Some travel insurances also have reimbursements for sudden trip cancellations with reasons included in their coverage. It pays to canvass among insurance policies and thoroughly review the inclusions of your chosen insurance before leaving.

4. Pocket Money

Not being able to go out much has likely helped you save more money for this upcoming trip. Make sure you have pocket money in your destination country’s currency to make transactions easier upon landing. It also makes shopping a much quicker activity.

Airports have currency exchange booths should you need them. When you arrive at your destination, there are usually also money changers around the city and some banks in case you need more pocket money.

A good tip is not to immediately buy in the first money changer you find. If you have the time, go around and check the exchange rates in each booth, and go with the place that has the highest rates.

5. Knowledge of Safety Protocols at the Destination

Even with vaccinations occurring more widely, many countries and foreign cities are still practicing safety measures against COVID-19. Review these before stepping out into the city to prevent issues and complications. Knowing protocols also helps you plan your itinerary, as these may limit the attractions and tourist spots that are open on any day.

Always comply with these guidelines, too, as a sign of respect for the people you encounter.

6. Face Masks and Sanitizer

Your personal protective equipment is now a must in your wardrobe. Bring face masks with you to stay safe—not just from viruses, but from pollen, smoke, dust, and other particles in the air. Your sanitizer and disinfectants such as wet wipes and sprays should also be in your bag at all times.

Traveling after COVID-19 will not mean that things will suddenly go back to what they were pre-COVID-19. It is best to be prepared to make the most out of your first overseas vacation in a long time.

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