Fishing 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Fishing

Fishing may seem to be an intricate sport or hobby to first-timers, but it doesn’t have to be too complicated. With the right fishing gear, fishing license, and other essentials which we will be discussing in this guide, you will be able to get near the water and try catching some fish by yourself.

Getting a License

Before heading out to the nearest lake, be sure you have acquired a fishing license in the state you will be fishing in. Licenses are required in every state, but the rules and regulations vary. For example, in Maine, a freshwater license doesn’t allow anglers to fish in bodies of saltwater. They need to obtain a saltwater permit if they want to extend their fishing offshore. Other states combine both types of fishing into a single license.

Fishing licenses aren’t always honored in more than one state. For instance, a license that you have purchased in a fishing store in Michigan may not be accepted in Louisiana. Moreover, perfectly legal fishing licenses are available online, in specialty shops, and even in malls. As for the price, if you opt to fish on a regular basis, it appears to be more cost-effective in the long run to get an annual license. Also, it’s better to determine the exact price in the state where you’ll be fishing. If you’re not a resident, fishing licenses tend to cost more. However, in general, price my fall typically between $30 and $150.

Where Should You Fish?

blue sea offshore fishing boat with fisherman holding rod in action

After securing your license, what you should do is to scout for the most visited fishing spots in your state. You can join social media groups for fishing and ask enthusiasts where to fish, as they likely have the most current and complete info about the local waters. Generally, lakes are a great option when you are just about to start. These lakes usually have a dock, so if luck is on your side, you might hit an entire school of fish.

The Right Gear

For starters, a spinning reel and rod combo is the gear for you. A staff in your local fishing store may be able to help you pick the gear or rod that suits your particular needs. Next, are the lures. Like what you see in movies, you will be needing live worms or insects, which are pertained to as the “Power Bait.” Lures are another effective choice once you get comfortable with using a bait.

Bobbers are also important. These are little floating balls that “bob” or sink when your lure is hit, which indicates that you have hooked a fish. Additionally, you can use a rubber net and needle-nose pliers to recover lures inside the fish’s mouth, as well as a small tackle box to store all of your lures and bait in one place and keep your gear organized. Like any outdoor hobby, as you gain more experience and confidence, you may consider upgrading your fishing gear and tools.

Analyze the Water

This is a skill that you must master since it is helpful to know where the fish are breeding or hiding so you can mark them better. To give you a hint, in lakes, fish usually hide around unwanted plants close to the shore or bank. They may also come together near drop-offs. Thus, for this reason, it is easier to fish if you have access to or own a canoe or kayak.

Fishing doesn’t have to be complex and daunting. With diligent preparation and the right tools, you can start enjoying your own fresh catches.

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