Bay View Gourmet

Five Tricks to Make Your Home Allergy-free for Your Guests

So you are expecting some guests to come over. Whether they will be staying for only a little while or many days, it is important that you make their stay a good one. But when a guest or two have allergies, you need to make extra preparations to make sure that they will be comfortable.

When hosting guests with allergies, your regular cleaning regimen may not be enough. What can you do to allergy-proof your home and make it ready for your guests?

Clean and wash what you can

The first thing you can do is to get rid of any unnecessary clutter. Before your guests arrive, wash the rugs, curtains, blinds, bedding, pillowcases, blankets, and other dust-collecting items, especially those found in common areas and the room they will use. If you have no time to do all these, you can always ask a local laundromat in Danville, Illinois to pick up your dirty laundry and other items and have these dry-cleaned and delivered on the same day.

Find out what they are allergic to

Just because your guests have allergies does not mean that they are allergic to almost everything. There are different types of allergens. So make sure to check with your guests and ask them what they are allergic to. Knowing their particular allergies can help you determine the right steps to take before they arrive.

Turn on your air purifier

Air purifiers work well in eliminating allergens in the air. If you have an air purifier, make sure that you turn it on before the guests arrive. This will help you get rid of any airborne allergens and make your home ready to accommodate your guests. Place it in the area where your guest will be staying most of the time.

Prepare your pet

dog sleeping on the floor

Your pet’s hair is not really something that can trigger your guests’ allergies, but all the dander under their furry coat. So make sure that you wash them before the big day. If possible, dress your pet in a cute sweater. This will help prevent their fur from flying while they play around the house. Better yet, place your dog in a room or somewhere around the house that is far from the common areas. Install pet fences to restrict them from entering pet-free zones.

Choose your indoor plants wisely

Do you have plants inside the house? Then make sure to reconsider your choices before your guests arrive. Remove flowers and other pollen-filled plants; these can trigger your guests’ allergies. Your better options would be bamboo palms, aloe, and chrysanthemums. These types of plants help filter out common volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and clean the air inside your home.

Living with allergies is nowhere easy. Your guests may look okay once they arrive, but if you don’t do something to make sure that they won’t have allergic reactions, then they can be in serious trouble. So allergy-proof your home days before they arrive. This way, you make their stay a more comfortable one.

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