Bay View Gourmet

Men’s Guide on What to Wear as A Guest in an Outdoor Wedding

Are you invited to an outdoor wedding? Easy. It’s just like any other wedding; you slap on a tie, polish your formal shoes, wear a blazer, show up, then you’re good to go, right? Well, maybe.

An outdoor wedding has a huge difference compared to an indoor wedding in terms of the venue, which also means that you have to plan your outfit accordingly, but that doesn’t mean that you should wear boots or all-terrain sports shoes either.

This is where the confusion sets in — It’s still a solemn and formal occasion, after all, so you need to dress the part of a wedding guest, but you also need to wear something comfortable and fitting for the outdoor setting. But, not to worry, here are some outdoor wedding guest attire tips that can help you out:

#1 Follow the Theme and Dress Code

This is arguably the most important tip when it comes to choosing what to wear to an outdoor wedding — or any wedding for that matter. Failing to follow the theme and dress code wouldn’t only make you stick out like a sore thumb, but it can potentially upset the couple on their big day. So take note of the theme and/or dress code (which is usually written in the wedding invitation) for the occasion and let it serve as your guide. If there’s any vagueness in the code, or if you have any questions as to what should wear, it’s always a good idea to ask the bride and groom.

#2 Mind the Weather

It pays to be prepared, especially when it comes to outdoor events. Make sure that you check the weather forecast on for the wedding day to so you can plan what to wear and what to bring accordingly: if it’s going to be rainy, bring an umbrella (preferably one that follows the colour theme of the wedding), if it’s going to be cold, bring a theme-appropriate jacket or additional layers. This way, you can stay comfortable and fully enjoy the occasion without getting bummed out by the weather or temperature.

#3 Know the Terrain

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Check the venue posted on the invitation then do your research to see the type of terrain you’ll be dealing with, so you can choose the right footwear. Remember, you’ll probably be standing and walking around a lot, so you’ll want to have shoes that are both comfortable to walk in, and can take on the terrain. If you’re expecting to walk in a rocky and or muddy (if it’ll rain) terrain, and you’re required to wear formal shoes, you should choose one that can handle these surfaces without getting damaged or hurting your feet. Consider getting ghillie brogues as they’re both stylish, comfortable, and highly durable (they were traditionally made to withstand the rocky and occasionally muddy Scottish terrain, after all).

The Takeaway

While it’s essential to wear an outfit befitting the mood of this joyous occasion, it’s also just as important to be smart about what you’ll be wearing so you can be as comfortable as you are stylish while enjoying your friend or family member’s outdoor wedding. So make sure that you take note of these tips, and never hesitate to ask the soon-to-be-married couple if you’re ever in doubt on what to wear.

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