Home Life

Home Life

Starting a Family: Now Is the Time to Find the Ideal Home

Having your own family is both a thrilling and challenging experience. You and your partner might be used to living together. Now that you are having your first baby, expect a significant impact on the way you live your lives. Becoming a parent is really tough. You need to undergo drastic changes and make huge

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Home Life

Protecting Your Home from the Sun’s UV Rays

Do you usually have to cover your eyes to protect them from the sun in the early morning and late afternoon? Is your house positioned right in the sun’s path? Does the heat of the sun during summer annoys you and increases your energy bills? We all know that it’s important to let natural light

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plants at a living room
Home Life

Are You Loving Your Plants Too Much? Here are the Signs of Overwatering

There’s such thing as loving too much. Beginner gardeners often commit this mistake. Overwatering a plant is one of the top causes plants to die. It’s harder for plants to recuperate than a dry spell. This is more likely to happen when watering plants with a hose because gardeners may not be aware of how

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landscape garden
Home Life

Boosting Your Home Value Through Landscaping

Landscaping is an easy, and affordable way to enhance your home’s curb appeal. It adds actual value to your home that you can enjoy while you own the property, and cash in on when you sell it. However, not every landscaping adds monetary value to your home — poor landscaping can even lessen your home

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Home Life

How to Make Your Home a Haunted House for Halloween

Turning your home into a haunted house doesn’t require an actual ghost to live in it. Instead, with a little creativity and a burning passion for scaring all the trick-or-treaters this Halloween, you can make your home the scariest haunted house in the neighborhood. With Halloween almost upon us, are you ready to make your home

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kid playing in the backyard
Home Life

Parenthood Pointers: Childproofing Your Back Garden

Who doesn’t want a beautiful, well-kept, and amazingly landscaped back garden? A place where you, your friends and family can hang out in and enjoy the view. Unfortunately, a back garden can be as beautiful as it is hazardous — for kids, at least; what may seem safe to adults may be dangerous to young

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Young professional photographer working from home and sitting at her desk at home
Home Life

Home Office Help: Planning Pointers

Why Do You Even Need One? When you’re working or doing business at home, you actually have the freedom to work in any section of the house that you deem to be convenient — may it be your living room, bedroom, or even the dining table. For those who talk to clients or fellow employees

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House under renovation
Home Life

Why Do Renters Renovate Their Space?

Living in a rental property allows a person to have a place that he can call his own. But it also comes with a price. Since they don’t own the home, renters are subject to the landlord’s policies. Although some experts say that most rental management companies allow minor modifications to happen in the property, renters should

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Why Choose to Rent a Vacation House for a Weekend

When you go on a vacation with your loved ones, you will naturally want to use this time to unwind and forget about the stress and pressure of everyday life. Thus, you would want to stay in a place that allows you to live in a decent amount of luxury and to enjoy this time

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