Your Ultimate Summer Guide This 2020

Itching to feel sand in between your toes already? Aching to feel that sweet summer breeze, a fresh glass of lemonade right by your side? You may think that it’s silly to think about your summer getaway this early, but you don’t have to wait until the sun comes out to plan your summer vacation. Now’s the perfect time, in fact, as it gives you plenty of time to plan things through. Don your thinking pants with this ultimate summer guide:

The Outline

Before getting into the details, determining the following is crucial:

  1. Your budget. If you’re planning on a budget, it’s best to determine the expenses now. Determine what you can handle. While it’s tempting to book a flight to the Alps now, will the pocket money be enough? If you’re someone traveling with an unlimited budget, though, then skip to the next item.
  2. Your travel buds. Will you be bringing your family along, or will this be a trip with friends? Do you want to go on a little romantic holiday, or just be by yourself? Your destination will only be as good as the people you make memories with.
  3. The destination. This will be entirely up to you. Do you want to go to the beach or retreat in a little cabin by the woods? Want to be surrounded by historical sites instead?

Vacation Destination Ideas


For the family trips:

  • Cozy cabin getaway. Small cabins are available for rent at national state parks across America, as with beach houses. With a body of water greeting you every morning, you can never go wrong with renting cozy cabins. There are activities perfect for families, such as boating, swimming, and, of course, the good ol’ barbeque bonding.
  • Discover history. Jamestown is such a historic place, and it attracts tourists from all over the world. In fact, the New York Times has featured them in an online article as one of the world’s top 52 Places to Go in 2019. Discover the stories behind the early settler’s village, visit the amusement park, and even visit the Yorktown battlefields.

For your romantic escape:

  • Onwards to the Caribbean. Sandy toes and beautiful sunsets—these are what’s waiting for you in the Caribbean islands. This is a perfect destination for couples looking for alone time together. People usually go to the Bahamas, but many recommend going to Barbados and St. Lucia as well. For a truly romantic trip, consider traveling in style through an air taxi in Fort Laurendale. A private plane, some wine, and a beachfront house are waiting for you as soon as you land.
  • Bed and breakfast and diners. If you’re feeling adventurous, pick a random corner of the United States. Rent a convertible and travel there with your partner, going through urban cities and small towns. Stay in romantic inns along the way. You’ll be snuggling in warm sheets at night and waking up to delicious breakfast by the diner, living the life.

For the party friends bunch:

  • Get your road trip spirit on. Gather all your friends and see different parts of the country, with nothing but backpacks, food, and your trusty minivan. While it’s fun to just go on a spontaneous trip, it pays to have some sort of plan. If you’re from the southern states, then consider going north, where it’s cooler and more relaxing. Remember to stop and appreciate views every once in a while.
  • The Big Apple. New York City is a must—music festivals, Broadway, museums, baseball games, and the Statue of Liberty. There’s so much to see and plenty to experience, so hop the train beneath the grand city and explore away!

The list goes on and on, and these are just some destination ideas for you to try this summer. No matter where you decide to go, always remember the reason behind your trip. Be it a much-needed relaxation time, bonding with family and friends, or just the need to heed the call of adventure, remember to be in the moment and enjoy.

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