March 2020

person driving a car
Finer Dining

The Importance of Test Driving a Car Before Buying

If you are looking to buy a car, whether new or used, then you are probably prepared to spend some money. The average cost of buying a new car is now about $34,200. Even if you intend to buy a used car, that will still cost you anywhere from $15, 500 to $20,900.  So, if

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greeting card

Your Imagination is Your Limit: Creating Creative Greeting Cards

In the digital age where greetings are made online, one may have the impression that greeting cards are out of place – that they are already irrelevant. But they’re not! You will be surprised by several people who are still using these colorful cuts of paper to show what they feel and make it known

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rollercoaster ride

Adrenaline Rush for the Not-so-brave Folk

The world is full of daredevils. Some people are willing to do some death-defying stunts to satisfy their craving for an adrenaline rush. These fearless individuals can jump off cliffs with a bungee cord wrapped around their legs. They can jump out of a plane and skydive, with the 550 cord of a parachute helping them land

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business meeting

Attention Please: Minimizing Distractions in Company Meetings

In an office, meetings are a common occurrence. You might think it best to talk with each other in person to address a certain issue, or discuss plans, or present new ideas. However, distractions are also plenty; so much so that it’s a wonder that they can be productive in any manner sometimes. They’re not

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Peripheral Neuropathy: What Is It and What Causes It?

Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage that takes place outside the spinal cord or brain. It affects your body’s peripheral nerves in parts, like the hands and legs. But it can also affect other parts. You will know that you have this medical problem when you experience weakness, pain, and numbness in the affected body areas.

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owning a house
Home Life

3 Typical Reasons for Downsizing a Home

A lot of people work hard in order to own a house, preferably a really big one, which will offer a comfortable and luxurious life they always wanted for themselves and the entire family. Unknowingly, there will come a time when they would want to downsize, leave behind that big house, and settle for something

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Family reunion
Finer Dining

Bright Ideas for a Successful Family Reunion

Family reunions are events that people anticipate. People tend to be busy around these times, preparing everything from the venue to the food. This is also a chance for brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers, and other distant relatives to get together and see each other after what might have been a long time.

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woman experiencing headache

Chronic Headaches: The Link Between Migraine and TMJ

Migraine is among the most common type of headaches experienced by many people. It tends to occur repeatedly, with pain that ranges from moderate to severe. Several things can trigger a migraine headache, including hormonal changes, stress, certain smells, and strenuous physical activity. If you’ve been living with migraines for a while now, you probably

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