Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

Traveling With Style and Comfort in Mind

There’s no doubt that traveling is one of the most enjoyable activities for many young adults. Although some individuals prefer to stay put and settle in one place, many others want to travel to find their passions in life, create new experiences, and meet new people from different walks of life. The recent COVID-19 pandemic

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woman alone
Travel & Leisure

How to Stay Sober While Traveling Alone

For many people on the path to addiction recovery, traveling is a challenge in itself. You’re going to be exposed to many different scenarios, unfamiliar places, and people who aren’t aware of what you’re going through, and therefore, don’t know that they shouldn’t offer you a drink. Hardest of all, you’re going to encounter a lot of

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online consultation
Travel & Leisure

What to Do When You Experience Pain While Traveling

When you have the wanderlust spirit within you, being forced to stay in one place can be really dissatisfying up to the point that it feels like you’re caged. Not having the ability to fulfill your desire to travel the world and experience new cultures can feel like a waste of your youthful days. Those

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Travel & Leisure

Pointers for Keeping Your Guests Safe During Your Destination Wedding in 2021

Weddings changed during the pandemic, becoming smaller with no more than fifty guests. Though intimate weddings have been around for many years now, they’re no longer optional these days, but the only choice couples have. As much we’d love to get hitched with all our friends, colleagues, and close relatives to watch, we can’t risk

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road trip
Travel & Leisure

Leisure and Travel: How to Have a Healthy Holiday Trip

In general, holidays and travels are both good for your physical and mental health. And when you combine these two, you can double the fun and benefits! Taking a holiday trip is a fantastic way to let you relax from the stresses of your busy daily schedules, from the grocery runs to work deadlines. While

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woman on vacation
Travel & Leisure

What You Need for Your Overseas Vacation After COVID-19

It has been a long road through the pandemic. With the rollout of vaccinations, new possibilities have opened up for everyone, especially those whose travel dreams were put on hold. Time to review your bucket list and check on your travel fund again! As you’re planning your itinerary for your next trip abroad, it is

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friends on a road trip
Travel & Leisure

Long Road Trips: Prepping Your Car for Adventures

Let’s face it: nobody wants to be stuck in the same town for weeks or even months. While many individuals want to live a slow and relaxing life, many individuals also want a bit of spice in their life, such as traveling, creating new experiences, and meeting new people. Whatever the reason may be, going

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couple enjoying trip
Travel & Leisure

Enjoying Your Trips Despite Having Little Money

One of the great pleasures in life is being able to travel. However, many people feel that it is a goal that they can’t achieve because it looks expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. Travel can be very affordable nowadays and, after COVID, many places are hungry to get your tourism dollars.   Here

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traveling together
Travel & Leisure

How Ethical Tourism and Group Economics Can Help Solve Global Inequality

When the NBA restarted its coronavirus-suspended 2019-2020 season, it also gave players the option to wear a custom message on their jerseys. This took place amid the growing uproar surrounding the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and others that sparked the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement. Many players chose to wear messages of support or

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Travel & Leisure

The How’s of Saving Money When You Always Overspend on Solo Travels

Traveling is fun, exciting, and liberating, especially when you are out on your own. They say everyone should go on a solo trip at least once a lifetime. This will help you experience many things, learn to depend on one except yourself, and find the chance to reinvent yourself. You get to think only about

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