June 2021

road trip
Travel & Leisure

6 Tips for Preparing a Road Trip in the New Normal

With nearly 320 million vaccine doses administered, people are starting to travel around the country. Even though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said people can safely travel by air if they are fully vaccinated, many people are still wary of the emergence of COVID-19 variants in different parts of the world. Due

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friends on a road trip
Travel & Leisure

Road Trip 101: Preparation Hacks to Remember

Stop holding off the idea of taking that road trip. There are so many benefits to reap when you take the road. For starters, it’s a fun adventure. You get to travel, see places, meet people, and get more experience. Taking a road trip is a lot like taking off to find yourself. It’s a

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The Fitness Journey: The Complete 3-Step Cycle

Adult life can get overwhelmingly busy fast. Your responsibilities at home and for your family will pile up as days go by, so you might not have a lot of available time left for yourself. Your career will eat up almost your entire day, making it challenging for you to insert life-related events into your

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Travel & Leisure

It’s Time for Some Healing: Top Wellness Destinations

There’s no denying that the past year has been stressful for everyone. Whether you’re a medical frontliner, essential worker, remote worker, or business owner, the global crisis has taken a toll on your life, from your finances to your physical and mental health. While working non-stop and dealing with life’s many challenges has always been

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Finer Dining

Your Guide to a Road Trip with a Well-built Car and Tasty Foods

Traveling is the activity we missed the most during the pandemic. As well-traveled as you thought yourself to be, you probably realized that you had taken your ability to go on trips frequently for granted. As such, you started to appreciate other places more and vowed to enjoy your travel harder next time. But though

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woman eating
Finer Dining

A Sweet Tooth’s Problem: How to Stop Eating Sugary Food

We know that too many types of sugary food are bad for our health, whether physical or dental. We’ve heard all the complications that sugar-rich food can bring to us. It’s literally killing us, this chocolate binges. A decade ago, a landmark study linked at least 180,000 annual deaths worldwide to sugary beverages. But soda

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Travel & Leisure

Taking a Sabbatical to Explore the World: A Fulfilling Journey

The world is a big place. It’s full of beautiful people you can meet and wonderful places you can explore. But to do that, you must first get out of your hometown because you can’t experience what the world has to offer if you only stay in one place. Venturing out on your own may

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woman smiling
Finer Dining

Just Got Your Teeth Whitened: Foods You Should Avoid

Nowadays, it is fashionable to have perfectly white teeth. Over time, various things can stain and darken the colour of your teeth. The food you eat, the vices you have picked up growing up, medication all contribute toward teeth discoloration. Although the colour of your teeth is not an indication of poor oral cleaning habits,

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woman having a derma filler procedure

Dermal fillers and how they could help you

Dermal fillers Kent are used in the practice of cosmetic treatment to plump up facial lines and wrinkles, giving the skin of the face a refreshed and youthful look. When we age our skin starts to show signs of wear, this is caused by the loss of the natural hyaluronic acids the skin needs to

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binge eating
Finer Dining

Hard Habit to Break: How to Speak to Someone Who Binge Eats

Virtue, indeed, is in the middle. To a large degree, too much of a good thing is poison. We can say this is true to just about anything in life. A diligent student who studies too much without attending to his physical needs such as eating will end up less than taking the exams, for

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