Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

Traveling and Digestion: Why Do They Tend to Act Up

Exploring the world is everyone’s dream, and with that comes tasting every dish of every country. When we plan our trips, one of the first things we list down is the food we’ll try. From common street delicacies to fine dining specialties, they’re on the menu. Trying local dishes sounds nothing but fun, and it

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Travel & Leisure

Top 3 States to Visit This Summer 2021

Well, 2021 seems more like it. After last year, when we seem to be caught off-guard battered by the virus, we’re in a better place now.  People are more upbeat these days. With summer just a few weeks more, there’s plenty of talk of getting into a trip adventure. Why not? New York State, for

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kid in singapore
Travel & Leisure

From California to Singapore, Here Are 3 Things to Remember When Moving

Whether you’ve got a job in Singapore, your company is relocating there, or you and your family want a different adventure this 2021, moving from California to the city-state takes excellent planning to make it as smooth-sailing as possible. But what factors should you keep in mind in the planning stage? What are the best

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Travel & Leisure

Travelling Must-Knows You Should Absolutely Know About

Not many people can afford to travel any time they want. For most of us, we only go out of town or abroad for work. Some would spend their paid leaves attending special family events. Most people can’t afford to take a break due to their endless responsibilities. Others can’t afford even a short trip

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Travel & Leisure

Europe: Pushing the Frontiers of Medical Tourism

In 2020, the value of Europe’s medical tourism market is a staggering USD 6.11 billion, making it one of the continent’s highest-earning industries. Some of the factors that added to the continued growth of this market are an improvement in the mobility of medical insurance and the availability of conventional healthcare techniques. In addition to

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woman on vacation
Travel & Leisure

Travel and Adventure: Tips for the Adventurous Soul

Before the pandemic hit, many people have considered going on adventures with their friends and family. Traveling can help relieve stress because it brings you to beautiful places where you get to relax away from your hectic schedule and busy life. If you love traveling, you might already know the basics about how you can

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Travel & Leisure

Travel 101: Items to Pack in Your Carry-on Luggage

Travel is slowly making its way back into the spotlight. Successful vaccination rollout programs continue across the UK, which has resulted in the easing of government restrictions like lockdowns. Likewise, other countries have also been effective in battling the global pandemic allowing them to reopen their borders to accept tourists. This all means that you might soon be

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Travel & Leisure

Bringing Pieces of Your Travels Back Home Through Food

A Korea town in the middle of Midtown Manhattan? A Little Tokyo along the busy streets of Makati City, Philippines? Chinatowns everywhere. The globalization of food didn’t let the pandemic dampen its spirits. In fact, home cooks are eagerly learning how to make traditional kimchi as you read this. Somewhere out there, someone is trying

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Travel & Leisure

Travelling with Disabilities: How to Plan Your Next Trip

You probably can’t wait to address your wanderlust again once the global pandemic comes to an end. As vaccination rollout programs continue, various travel destinations, whether domestic or foreign, are slowly beginning to open up. After more than a year of living within the context of the health crisis, it’s well worth taking the time

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man on the airport
Travel & Leisure

Important Things to Prepare Before Going on a Vacation

With more than 100 million people fully vaccinated, the United States is on the right track to achieving herd. Due to this, many people are already making plans for a summer vacation to another country. If you’re one of the many Americans planning to visit another country, you should make sure to check the guidelines

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