Finer Dining

Finer Dining

Travelling: Make Better Food Choices at the Airport

Does the idea of eating at airports scare you? The combination of stress during a layover and boredom due to lack of activities can make you feel hungry. Let's face it, though, eating can be considered as a way to pass time. Good thing, today’s airports are more than just a place where travellers pass

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wedding reception
Finer Dining

5 Most Popular Wedding Venues for 2019

Perhaps one of the most gruelling parts of wedding planning is choosing the location for your special day. Can’t decide on the best wedding venue for you and your future spouse? This guide will inspire you with the five best wedding locations for 2019. There are many places where you can hold a wedding. Some

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buying a house
Finer Dining

Scared to Buy a Home? Don’t Let These Worries Get to You

The decision to buy a home is a life-changing choice. It’s no wonder then that a lot of people are afraid to take the plunge and leave renting behind once and for all. But the thing is, in most instances, the worst-case scenarios are only in your head. Your worries are just that, worries. If

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Sunflower field
Finer Dining

The Sunflower Fix: How Flowers Cleaned Up Fukushima’s Radioactivity

When the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant experienced meltdowns and explosions in 2011, scientists turned to nature to help rehabilitate the prefecture. Campaigners asked people to plant sunflowers to mitigate the environmental damage that the nuclear accident caused. These beautiful flowers, apart from being natural sunpower dealers, timekeepers, and herbal medicine, have the ability to “soak”

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Dessert bar with assorted chocolate sweets
Finer Dining

Taking Advantage of Online Platforms When Shopping for Cake

A ceremony without cake is often considered incomplete. Celebrating festivals and ceremonies such as birthdays and anniversaries by offering fresh cake to your guests leads to an increase in demand for cake. The increasing demand is met by the blooming online cake shops and bakeries business. Technology advancement aids in the ordering and delivery of

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Finer Dining

The Sentimental Value of Handwritten Letters and Notes

E-mails and instant messaging may have brought a lot of conveniences and faster communication processes, but we can't deny the fact that handwritten letters have a different impact on our lives. It may not be suitable for business purposes anymore, but in our personal lives, it can stimulate many heart-warming emotions that may boost relationships. 

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solar energy
Finer Dining

What Nation Is at the Forefront of Clean Energy?

New Zealand is one of the few countries in the world where renewable energy is thriving. A majority of the country’s energy needs (more than 80 percent) are provided by renewable energy from hydroelectric and geothermal plants. However, the country is aiming higher, striving to rely purely on renewable energy by 2035. Fossil-free Electricity Green

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woman holding car keys and smiling
Finer Dining

Bigger Family, Bigger Car: Pointers in Buying A Family Car

Why Get A Family Car? Before you and your spouse had kids, your motorbike or two-seater sports car may have been the perfect vehicle, but as your family grows and new members are introduced (kids, as well as pets), you’ll need to get a family vehicle. The primary purpose of a family car is to

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man looking for auto parts
Finer Dining

How to Be Safe When Buying Auto Parts Online

There are many reasons to buy car or motorbike parts online. Sometimes, the exact type or specification that you are looking for is not available at the dealership or workshop. In these cases, it is necessary to go online and order the parts. This can sometimes be a bit tricky as there are plenty of

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Finer Dining

Matters Car Inspection: Choosing Maintenance Kits

Knowing the particular vehicle to purchase is among the most challenging decisions among all that concern your Subaru car. But, it is these somewhat lesser decisions that determine how long you will maintain your vehicle’s performance. Among these includes getting the right insurance cover, scheduling inspections, and timely maintenance. On the latter, in particular, it

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